Journalism Workshop

Summer 2025
Session Dates: June 22 - July 3, 2025
A two-week workshop examining the fundamentals of journalism.
Watch VideoCourse Description
There can be no democracy without journalism — it’s why freedom of the press is enshrined in the First Amendment. But what, exactly, is journalism? What are the qualities that make someone’s writing, audio, or video a piece of journalism instead of a piece of product marketing, opinion, misinformation, or propaganda? If we can’t answer those questions, we can’t ensure our democracy will last.
And as members of Gen Z, the first generation to have grown up entirely with the internet, you have unique insight to aid you in pursuing those answers.
During our two-week session, you’ll analyze and discuss examples of current and historical journalism; read, watch, and listen to a variety of contemporaneous journalism; debate journalism ethics; meet, talk to, and ask questions of professional journalists; and do your own reporting both on-campus and off-campus during class field trips. You’ll get to focus on journalism that covers a wide range of topics, from politics to sports to entertainment to fashion. And you’ll have fun doing it all.
Journalism Workshop is a residential program on LMU's Los Angeles-area campus. There are no commuter options at this time - all participants are required to live on campus for the duration of their program.
In addition to their work in the classroom, students will visit with Los Angeles area journalists and media.
- Gain an important understanding of the journalism industry
- Learn best practices in producing written stories, photojournalism, and podcast news.
- Engage in mature reflection and active discussion on the ethics of journalism
Application Fee: $65
2025 Program Cost: $6,125
The program cost includes:
- Tuition for two-week, non-credit course
- Housing and meals for two weeks
- Course materials
- Use of campus recreation facilities
- Class field trips
- Two weekend social trips off campus
For additional information about program tuition and fees and payment options, please visit our Fees Page.
This class is open to rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
- Online Application
- Personal Essay: Read the Prompt Now
- Letter of Recommendation from a teacher or counselor
- High School Transcripts
- $65 Application Fee
- TOEFL Scores (for International applicants whose primary language is not English)
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